Layout plan is defined as the arrangement of something plan wise. The layout plan of garment manufacturing lab means planning for the location of all machines.
(1) To know about the overall idea of a factory.
(2) To know about the set-up of machine in a factory.
(3) To know about the arrangement of machine in a factory
(4) To know about the production sequence of a factory.
(1) Single needle lock stitch machine.
(2) 4-thread over lock machine.
(3) Chain stitch swing machine.
(4) Table.
(5) Socks machine.
(6) Linking machine.
(7) Shuttle loom.
(8) Large diameter circular knitting machine
(9) V-bed rib machine.
(10) Creel stand.
(11) Pirn winding machine.
(12) Cone winding machine.
(13) Crock meter.
(14) Straight knife cutting machine.
(15) Round knife cutting machine.
(16) Fibro block knife cutting machine.
(17) Beasley’s balance.
(18) Comb sorter.
(19) Twist tester.
(20) GSM cutter.
(21) Wrap reel machine.
(22) Lea strength tester (CSP).
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