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Determination of English Count of cotton yarn by wrap reel and electric balance.

Introduction: Count: Count is a numerical value which expresses the coarseness or fineness of yarn in length per unit mass or mass per unit length. Two types of count: (a) Indirect system. (English count, Metric count, Worsted count) (b) Direct system. (Tex, Denier, Pound/Spindle) English count: It is the number of hanks of 840 yards for 1 pound of yarn. Yarn count is denoted by ‘N’. Mathematically, Here, N = Yarn count. L = Sample length. l = Unit length. W = Sample weight. W = Unit weight. Unit length = 840 yds. (For English count) Unit weight = 1 lb = 463.6 gm. (For English count) Objectives: (1) To know about the yarn count. (2) To know about the wrap reel machine. (3) To calculate the yarn fineness. (4) To calculate the yarn smoothness. (5) To know about English count. Machine description: In this experiment we use a wrap reel machine and an electric balance. The wrap reel machine is used measure the length of yarn. In this machine there is bobbin ca...
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Determination of RH% TTQC Lab by Wet and Dry bulb Hygrometer.

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Study on the tappet shedding mechanism of a loom.

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Fibre is the basic unit of fabric. Do you know what a fibre looks like? To understand, this take a small amount of cotton and pull out the smallest part from it. Study carefully. These may be long or short strands with a smooth structure that looks like white hair. Actually, these are fibres. A single fibre of cotton is difficult to locate but can be easily recognized in a mass of cotton. Now, consider the structure of wool fibres. You know these are hair of animals like sheep, goat, rabbit, camel etc. Sweaters, socks, gloves, scarves, shawls and coats etc., are made from these hair/fibres. You can check this by opening a thread pulled out from a pure woolen fabric, or knitting wool. What do you see? Similarly, there are many other fibres like - jute,flax, linen,silk,rayon(viscose,acetate),nylon,polyester,acrylic etc.... available to us, which can be used to make cloth. A fibre is a fine hair like strand and is the basic unit of textiles from which we make yarns and then the fabric...

Definition of textile

According to textile institute a textile was originally a woven fabric.  But the term textiles and the plural textiles are also applied to fibres, filaments,  yarn natural and manufactured and most popular product for which there are a principal raw material. The products includes fibre based products that are threads, coards, ropes and braid, woven, knit and non woven fabric, lace, nets and embroidery,  soft furnishing, hosiery, knitwear, floor coverings, technical, industrial and engineering textiles including geo and medical textiles.